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The CAQDAS flag stands for tools that allow researchers to code by themselves the relevant fragment of a corpus of texts. I refer to this coding feature as reflective codes.

Resulting codes can either be part of a pure qualitative analysis or can be used as basis for statistical inferences.

As a consequence of the widespread of such tools, the CAQDAS label tends to be extended to all qualitative analysis software. For an overview, see Harald Klein's website.


Software: Atlasti Cassandre Catma Dedoose Dna Ethnograph Ethos Freeqda Hyperresearch Kwalitan Libreqda Maxqda Modalisa Mosaiqs Nodepad Nvivo Porphyry Provalis Quirkos Rqda Saturate Sonal Squanto Tamsanalyser Weft-qda

Alceste AntConc Anvil Atlas Atlas Tétralogie ATLAS.ti Calliope Candide Caramel Cassandre Catma Civilité Coocs Dedoose Discourse Network Analyzer Dtm-Vic Elan EthOS FreeQDA General Inquirer Glossanet Graphviz Hamlet Hyperbase HyperRESEARCH Intex & Nooj IRaMuTeQ Kwalitan Le graphe socio-technique Lexico Leximappe LibreQDA MaxQDA Modalisa Morphix-NLP Mosaïqs Netvis Nodepad NVivo Porphyry Prospéro Provalis Quirkos R R.TeMiS Réseau-lu RQDA Sampler & LexiQuest Sato Saturate Semato Sonal Sphinx Lexica Squanto T-Lab TamsAnalyser Textable Textquest The Ethnograph Transana Transcriber Trivium Tropes TXM Unitex Voyant Tools Weft QDA